Bentley Maintenance & Management offers comprehensive maintenance services for your residential property - whether primary, secondary or investment.

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  • Power washing

  • Pool Maintenance

  • A/C Service

  • Cleaning

  • Painting

  • Landscape Services

  • Metal, Stone, Wood Maintenance/Restoration


General Services

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  • Consulting & Construction Management

  • Design Services

  • Interior & Exterior

  • HVAC

  • Electrical

  • Plumbing

Bentley helped us renovate our condo. They made sure it was completed according to budget and schedule. Now they will maintain our beautiful new seasonal home and protect our investment.
— Sean and Teri


Our inspection services provide written reports with photo documentation and video when necessary. Summaries include the condition of the property and all assets, list of necessary repairs with a service plan of action, and on-going maintenance recommendations.

Initial Inspection Service is $399.
Prorated plans for recurring inspections are available as well, based on the needs of the property.

In addition to full-time residents, our inspection services have been designed with seasonal residents and business travelers in mind. We suggest a Bentley Property Inspection at least 2 weeks prior to your seasonal arrival to ensure all items are working properly and ready for your arrival.

** This report is for general knowledge on the current condition of the property. Bentley Maintenance & Management cannot and will not guarantee the condition or working order of items that cannot be seen. This inspection is confined to visual and accessible areas only. 


Bentley inspects our property once a month during the off season and lets us know the status and condition. Especially during hurricane season. They even take care of any repairs that are needed.
— JB, Boca Raton, FL
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